Contact us

If you have any questions about Triple P, please use the email form below. We will try to respond within two working days.

Otherwise, you may contact one of our offices: 

Asia, Africa, Australia, Canada, E.U., Middle East, U.K. 
Triple P International (Australia)
Please use the email form below
Ph: + 61 7 3236 1212

Ph: 03 265 29 98

Ph: 251 518941

New Zealand
Ph: 09 5791794

United States
Ph: 803 451 2278

Backed by research. Proven by parents.

We help parents and families right around the world, in more than 30 countries. In fact, millions worldwide, have been helped by Triple P. So we can help you, too!

Contact the Triple P team

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(Don’t forget to check your inbox and junk/spam emails for our reply.)