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154 Articles
6 min read

Cyberbullying: Three Conversations to Have With Kids

July 25, 2024

Today, kids have many ways to connect with others online. While it can be great to interact with family and friends, there are also downsides, especially with the risks of cyberbullying.

bullying cyberbullying life skills online safety social media

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6 min read

Chores for Kids: Age-Appropriate Tips and Strategies

May 17, 2024

Let's talk about something most parents and carers can relate to – chores for kids. Most dream of kids willingly helping with jobs around the home, and maybe even being happy to do it.

chores cooperation life skills pocket money

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6 min read

How to handle tantrums: try these positive parenting tips

April 8, 2024

Are you struggling to know how to handle tantrums? You’re not alone. These positive parenting tips can help.

behaviour problems crying discipline disobedience emotions tantrums

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6 min read

Aggressive Behaviour in Children: 5 Parenting Tips

April 8, 2024

Hitting, kicking, biting: aggressive behaviour in children can be tough to handle. These parenting tips can help.

aggression behaviour problems discipline emotions mental health

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6 min read

How to stop yelling at your kids: try these parenting strategies

April 8, 2024

Want to know how to stop yelling at kids, and start feeling calmer? Try these parenting strategies.

cooperation listening mental health stress yelling

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6 min read

Supercharging self-esteem: how to build confidence in children

January 25, 2024

Supercharging Self-esteem: How to Build Confidence in Children


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Kids fighting? Try these positive tips to reduce the rivalry

November 27, 2023

When kids argue, fight, bicker, blame or disagree, it can be stressful for parents and carers. Try these parenting tips to calmly reduce rivalry and help them get along better.

sharing sibling rivalry

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6 min read

Bonding With Babies: Nurturing Your Connection

October 24, 2023

Bonding with babies is a gradual getting-to-know-you process. What can parents and carers do to strengthen the bond? Read these parenting tips.

baby connection crying relationships

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6 min read

Five Ways to Build Meaningful Connections with Children

October 24, 2023

Positive connections help kids learn, develop and thrive. Make the moments count with these five tips.

connection routines

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6 min read

Tact, Timing, Tuning In: Communicating with Teenagers and Pre-teens

October 12, 2023

How to stay connected with teenagers and pre-teens, even when they shut you out? Try these positive parenting strategies.


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6 min read

Supporting Children Through Big Milestones: Five Tips

August 11, 2023

Childcare, preschool and school are all big milestones for kids. What can parents and carers do to help them adjust? Here are five positive tips.

school school refusal

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6 min read

In This Together: The Benefits of Community for Parents and Children

June 19, 2023

It takes a village – community relationships can help parents and carers feel more connected, calm and confident. They’re good for children, too, enhancing their belonging, learning and development.

community confidence relationships wellbeing

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6 min read

It’s the Little Things: Realistic Self-Care Ideas for Busy Parents

April 25, 2023

You don't need to make big changes to take good care of yourself. Here are some ideas to improve your self-care as a parent or carer.

mental health self-care stress

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6 min read

How to be Kinder to Yourself as a Parent

April 25, 2023

There’s no such thing as a perfect parent or child. You can build on your skills to be gentler with yourself – even when it feels overwhelming.

mental health self-care stress

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6 min read

Reframing Self-care: the Positive Power of Looking After Yourself

April 25, 2023

Parenting can feel easier when you’re taking care of yourself. Self-care needn’t be costly or take up much time. You can achieve it in small, realistic steps.

mental health self-care stress

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6 min read

How to model emotional wellbeing for your children

February 12, 2023

We can teach our kids kindness and empathy. Warm, consistent, and supportive relationships encourage them to develop self-confidence, independence, and the ability to manage emotions and behaviours.

confidence emotions mental health resilience wellbeing

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6 min read

Taking positive action when life feels out of control

September 26, 2022

If you can step back and look at a problem like a puzzle or challenge, it’s easier to think of potential solutions.

positive parenting stress

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6 min read

Helping parents avoid ‘burnout’ amid extra stress

September 26, 2022

New research says emotional competence helps balance risk of ‘perfect parent burnout’

self-care stress

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6 min read

Global day of parents

June 1, 2022

Today is the Global Day of Parents - a day introduced by the UN to recognise the ongoing commitment made by parents around the world. Over the 35 years that Triple P has worked with parents, it’s hard to think of a time that has been more challenging for families.

covid-19 news research

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6 min read

Listening and cooperating are skills that take time to develop

May 15, 2022

What is it that makes children test limits and why don't they always follow instructions? Professor Matt Sanders helps shed a little light (and sound) on the subject.

cooperation listening

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