How do I
support my child

through separation
or divorce

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Changes in your family can be a big adjustment

Going through separation or divorce can be one of life’s most challenging experiences. And when you have children to consider, it can feel even more difficult. As a parent or carer, you’re dealing with your own emotions and practical issues. For children, it can be an unsettling change, too.

You might be feeling worried about how they (and you) will cope and adjust. However, positive parenting strategies can make the transition smoother for everyone.

How can divorce or separation affect children?

Children of all ages may find it difficult to adjust to changes in routines, living arrangements and family dynamics.

They may experience a range of emotions such as sadness, confusion, insecurity and uncertainty. There are times when these emotions can manifest as tantrums, clingy behaviour, withdrawal, acting out, school problems or other challenges.

Positive parenting support can not only help children cope, but can also help them feel loved, secure and confident – even through tough times.

How can you ease the transition – for your child and you?

While the transition of separation can be disruptive to your family, there are steps you can take to create a supportive and stable family environment.

Talking with your children about the changes, tuning in to their feelings and helping them develop their own coping skills can make a big difference.

Knowing how to manage and process your emotions can also help your children – and you – to feel calmer and more reassured.

Although it might not be possible in every case, there are ways to build your communication skills to help reduce conflict, solve problems and co-parent more effectively with your former partner.

Get specific parenting strategies for a positive family adjustment

Family Transitions Triple P Online is a programme for parents and carers thinking about, or going through, separation or divorce. It includes practical, positive tips, worksheets and ideas to help you manage your family's journey.

Get proven strategies to help shield your child from negative effects and create a sense of reassurance and stability. Learn how you can navigate the changes more confidently and with less stress. Personalise the programme to suit your circumstances and situation. Ease your family’s transition and build a positive family dynamic, now and for the years to come.